Pi Studios
  • June 30, 2021 6:29 am


Pi Studio which is built on a strong reputation, sits in the heart of Battersea, right on the river. The studio is fully equipped with the original apparatUnited States: Reformers, Cadillac’s, Wunda Chairs, barrels and circles so we can offer a wide range of classes and one-on-one sessions suited to all levels and ages. Whether you are new to Pilates or a highly experienced athlete, (Joseph Pilates was a BOXER for all you men out there), the Pilates Method works like no other exercise discipline. If you are suffering from injury, jUnited Statest had a baby, suffering from long office hours, or jUnited Statest want a longer leaner fitter body, whatever your wish Pi Studio is the home for you. We can make it happen.

020 7585 1114



38 Elcho Street Parkgate Road England


  • Category: Pilates Center

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